Probably all of us don't like certain kinds or levels of emotion, and want to get away from them, sometimes in self-destructive ways.
Psychologist Cheryl Arutt notes "Creative people do tend to be highly sensitive and an exquisite sensitivity is an asset when it comes to creating art...but that same sensitivity can often make the painful experiences that they have even more so."
Neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett says "You might believe that your brain is prewired with emotion circuits, that you're born with emotion circuits, but you're not."
Emotions researcher Karla McLaren thinks "It's important for our joints to have a complete range of motion, but it's also important for us to have a complete range of emotion." -
Dr. John Demartini explains "if you meet somebody...and you seek them out and want to be with them, that's motion towards something. Energy put into motion towards something. That's an emotion." -
Pema Chödrön says "A lot of the process of mindfulness is beginning to relax with the present moment and touch the immediacy of our experience, our thoughts and emotions."
Sources for this podcast episode:
Image at top is from article Artificial Intelligence: Why it Can't Detect the Correlation Between Human Emotion and Facial Expression, Ron Jefferson, The Science Times Aug 24, 2021.
Psychologist Cheryl Arutt from my video Artists are highly sensitive and need skills to use their emotions safely
Lisa Feldman Barrett from TED Talk video in my post Are emotions hardwired and just triggered? No - our brains build them.
Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD is “a University Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University, with positions in psychiatry and radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.” Prof. Barrett is one of the experts at the free ongoing Brain-A-Thon event.
Karla McLaren from her video Do You Have a Full Range of Emotions? in my post How To Gain Better Emotional Health By Working With Feelings.
Dr. John Demartini from his video "How to Manage Emotions" - see it in my post How to upgrade your financial health and life success – NeuroGym programs
Pema Chödrön from video The Noble Journey From Fear to Fearlessness
Related Creative Mind Videos playlists:
Emotional Health - Physicians, authors, psychologists, artists and others on stress relief, anxiety relief, depression, unhealthy self-esteem, low confidence and more.
Trauma Healing - Programs and information from physicians, psychologists and others on understanding and healing from traumatic experiences.
Related posts:
Do we really need our emotions, even the 'negative' ones?
Psychologist Cheryl Arutt on Emotional Health and Creative People
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