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Inner Child Work for personal growth and transformation with Julie Aird

Inner Child Work for personal growth and transformation with Julie Aird

As psychotherapist Stephen A. Diamond Ph.D notes, "We were all once children, and still have that child dwelling within us. But most adults are quite unaware of this.

“And this lack of conscious relatedness to our own inner child is precisely where so many behavioral, emotional and relationship difficulties stem from."

From his Psychology Today post Essential Secrets of Psychotherapy: The Inner Child.

This audio is a brief excerpt from an episode of The HSP Podcast hosted by high sensitivity therapist and author Julie Bjelland.

From the original Show Notes:

Julie Aird has seen firsthand how powerful and profound Inner Child Work can be for personal growth and transformation through her own experiences as well as her clients.

Julie is excited to share with you a specific inner child practice that she has found to be one of the most powerful tools used in her 30+ years of personal and spiritual work.

Working with the inner child is one of the tools Julie uses to help us nurture and release parts of us that are stuck in our past so that we can be totally present in our adult lives. It’s like learning to re-parent our inner child so we are free to move forward.

Julie Aird is an inspirational speaker, ICF-credentialed coach, spiritual director, and the Founder of Julie Aird Life Coaching. You can learn more about Julie and her work by visiting:

Please Note: This inner child practice is one of the tools Julie Aird uses for personal growth and transformation within her capacity as a certified coach. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or medical condition.

Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is an HSP psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, the author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, and founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community. Her HSP Podcast ranks among the top 5% of the most shared and followed podcasts worldwide.


Listen to the full episode 172 Inner Child Healing-A Powerful Tool for Growing Self-Love with Julie Aird in The HSP Podcast section of Julie Bjelland's Sensitive Empowerment site, where you can find many more of her articles, books, courses, Sensitive Community and other resources.


The Creative Mind Newsletter and Podcast
Creative Mind Audio
Excerpts of interviews with artists, psychologists and others on creativity research, emotional health, high sensitivity, giftedness. Note: PAID episodes have free previews.